It's a cold, windy Monday.
Monday, November 18, 2013
So today I started my day just like any other Monday, nothing new, nothing exciting. Just another day in yoga class, doing some extreme yoga positions. It's suppose to be relaxing but I do not find it relaxing at all. We also had to make this weird AUM sound today in class. Super weird. You know how in movies when those monks meditate and they make that noise. Yeah just like that. Yoga is totally something else. Not what I expected. But however, if nursing does not work out, I might just have to become a yoga teacher, jk. Speaking of nursing, I did not go to clinicals today. I compared the benefits and the costs and looks like the benefits outweigh the costs. This week is too crazy. I mean I don't know why I am stressing out about doing well, my life is going down hill anyway. Okay, I am exaggerating. There's a light somewhere. But today, I realized how much I have given up in the past few weeks and I don't want to be a quitter, but that's exactly what I am doing. I never thought I would feel like this about school, but I am so sick of school. Like literally..I need a break. Not just because I want to have fun and party like a 22 year old, but to have that opportunity that I didn't get when I was 18 to think about what I really wanted to do. Well see where God leads me. Okay away from the school/college/having a successful life/ conversation now.
Winter is coming! I am so excited for the holidays. The bright,and colorful Christmas lights, the gazillion white snow flakes on the ground, the cute boots, scarves, and mittens, Starbucks in your hand, ice skating and sledding and of course the Dells! We have to make this Winter memorable :D
Btw, I took a picture of my life today.
Love, K

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